Creating a Map for your Life

by | Mar 1, 2023 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

In the Magical Living community we have a monthly workshop which we call the Monthly Magical Moment. 

This month is Creating a Map for your Life.

There are all kinds of classes, books with guidance on all aspects of business and career. 

But VERY few on how to actually organize your mind and life to achieve success in your business life and your personal aspirations for fulfillment.

On how to have a daily life you are consistent in living, and is getting you to where you want to go in a timely manner! I’d like to live my best life with some energy left, thank you! 

What we know here in Magical Living, is if you don’t have the mindset, tools to overcome the limiting beliefs, the days get away from you and nothing effectively changes. 

If we lose faith in ourselves we can become discouraged and, to be honest, become brittle and pessimistic.

We are not living like that!

Looking ahead, to the next 5 to 10 years, we can make this the period of mastery. We become the captains of our ship and master the skills to have the relationship, the bank account, and experience the world the way we want. 

We have this big prefrontal cortex and we can be the architect of our lives. The Fear Dragon (the amygdala) wants to keep us in Fight, Flight, Freeze or Fawn! 

We know they want to keep us in the cave of complacency so we do not risk ourselves with anything new.

We want to get ourselves in good health, and cultivate great energy. We have ideas, goals and dreams we want to achieve.

SO We master ourselves and create the career we desire and the life we want to live as the person we want to be.

This is the time we develop the confidence to take life in hand and steer the ship!

We usually overestimate what we can do in a year, and underestimate what we can accomplish in five or ten.

Here in Magical Living we have a relationship with our higher selves. Building this relationship can take time to gain experience. Building in the trust in this partnership with our human experience and the Universe.

There’s a reason we are here together today. That you are reading this. This is your time to put those blocks and Faces of Fear behind you. 

We are working with the tools to create the mindset to Create! Create our most fulfilled life! Gratitude for life itself, this experience. Feel into what you want to leave behind. What no longer serves you.

Write in your #Logbook = What’s the legacy you want to Create?

#Gratitude prompt = How lucky we are to be here to do this work.To have this knowledge and build a map!

#Logbook=  Please write a few things you are grateful for at this stage of your life.

Experiences that have led you to this point. Your health, career, family, friends….

Your creativity!

Please share what you are feeling grateful for today on my Instagram post HERE=   I am posting there too!

Life can be magical. Be present! With the people you care about. With your life, moment to moment. Being present simply means you’re focused and engaged in the here and now, not distracted or mentally absent.

Life these past many years has been so dark, full of fear and dark energy. The events have amped up the Fear Dragons all over the world. Most people don’t know that those Faces of Fear aren’t real. They don’t know how to do anything about it. 

They are at the mercy of the Fear Dragons and live in their caves, full of fear, hate, anger, brittleness and regret.

I have taught before that our brain is designed to hold onto the negative like Velcro.  Boy, have we seen that over the past 8 years. It’s easy to be pessimistic. It’s easy to be angry and hateful.

But you are aware! You know this and know you need to have habits in place and keep practicing. It’s imperative that you hold onto what you learn by putting these simple tools into daily practice.

How are you showing up each day? Do you have reverence for your life? This could be the difference for the next decade for you right here!

Life loses the magic because we forgot to bring the magic! 

We have to intentionally pull on our elven cloaks and step into the power we have. Yes, you have power. You are alive!

Self mastery is full engagement! It’s joy, confidence, and appreciation! Use the tools I share with you to boost where you need it.

This alone can change everything for you.

And give yourself a High 5 for being here! Remember the RAS (Reticular Activating System) LOVES when you focus and when you congratulate yourself it starts to show you more of your successes and helps you to do more of that! #Magic.

Why has life lost some magic? We forget to bring it intentionally! Live right now AS you want it to be! If you want to feel free, start to walk into that feeling all the time! Find those glimmers of Freedom right now and follow that feeling. 

Focus on what you want and you are attracting that outcome!

Bring positivity and thankfulness everyday and start as soon as you wake up. Set the RAS onto it’s course for the day. If you wake up tired, discouraged, not looking forward to anything, the RAS says ”RIGHT! I serve that up for you Boss! On it!”

And all day long it will show you how tired, discouraged and downtrodden you are.

Feel into how you want to feel now, and you’ll have it NOW! If you wait until you achieve the THING, those feelings won’t suddenly appear, because you haven’t practiced it, you have been cultivating the negative! 

If you mindfully log what you want to feel, and look for the feeling no matter how small, you can start to feel it now! You can start living the life of your dreams, NOW! How amazing is that?

Allow more confidence. Allow the appreciation. Allow the love. Allow the freedom. Find it. Follow it. You can choose your emotional reality with some practice.

THAT’s self mastery. 

#Journal Prompt= I share a lot of questions, and some will resonate with you more than others. It’s ok if you aren’t sure what to say, don’t overthink and just jot down the first thing that comes to mind.

What do you really enjoy but haven’t been able to do much of this past year?

Open up to  the idea there is a bigger plan for you.

What are some experiences that might have been really hard but you learned something you couldn’t have learned otherwise? _____________

There’s a reason I am here right now, it is______. And I trust even if I don’t know now, I will.

I am showing up today with______. 

I choose to focus on feeling more________ today.

My emotional reality is more _________ today.

What do you really enjoy and haven’t set up your life to enjoy enough of it? 

Is there something your younger self would be sad you are not still doing?

What’s your intention today, this week, this year?

Feel the day! Have real presence. Most people go through the motions. They don’t feel the day.

People think they need all these things but what they need is to feel the day again.

You are already living your dream life!

Look at the magic we already have! Notice it. Log it! Appreciate it. Then the RAS can bring you more of it and the universe will meet you on the path.

You are alive, 

you have choice, 

you have family, friends, opportunity. 

The issue is you haven’t felt it yet! 

You are already into the dream. 

TRUST the path, look at the beauty around you. Enjoy the journey! 

If your life isn’t matching your dreams, you have to become different.

Life is going to be the same around us. All the things we are dealing with is still going to be there, but what am I making my life about NOW?

Remind yourself that you can choose to be positive. Do it every day. Write it down! 

We have morning and evening cues to write in a document for you HERE.

Now, let’s create that MAP!

  1. First, you need to connect with the direction you want to go. Keep it simple for now. Let’s start with just one day.

Ask yourself, “What is it that I want to be about this day? What are the things I want to achieve, create and experience this day? What kind of character do I want to cultivate? What do I want to learn today, give today, and grow today?”

To design your ideal day, write out and consider these questions:

What would you want to CREATE?

Who would you want to CONNECT with and spend time with?

What would you like to CONTRIBUTE?

Who would you like to be – what CHARACTER would you show to the world?

What would that dream day be like for you?

Who’s there?

What are you doing?

What might you be learning, giving or being part of?

Who are you, specifically, during that day? What qualities do you demonstrate?

Your ideal day, a day that you went to bed that night and you thought ‘that was the most incredible day! That’s how I want most of the days of my life to be, just like that. “ 

 What would that perfect day be like for you?

You have to have aim and intention to have a phenomenal day.

With that intention and aim you start to experience more and more of those days. As more and more of those days start to cumulate, the more your character develops force and momentum. 

The Universe sees what you’re about and draws more opportunities to you. 

And suddenly you wake up one day, you look around and you have this sense of aliveness and joy in the day. 

Then, when you look back at the week you’re like, “That was an amazing week, an amazing month, an amazing year, an amazing decade… that was magical life and you deserve that!

Now, It’s not that you can’t go with the flow, the bumps and the bruises and the struggles and hardships of life, but when you’re experiencing those you can still experience them from a place of presence, peace and enthusiasm.

If you have practiced good habits and keep yourself learning and growing you can meet life with the best version of yourself.

“How would my highest self interact with this situation?”

You’re showing up in a way that when you go to bed at night you’re proud of the way you interacted with the struggle, challenge or demand on you. 

You’re proud of who you demonstrated yourself to be to the world, that you’re living the ideal character and person you believe yourself to be on a continual basis. 

Give yourself that gift. Do this journey. Take this time today. 

B) Create a Map!

When you take time to visualize your ideal day,, you will start to have ideas, and visions of what you want to do more of.

Don’t let these ideas slip by! Write them down!


People do not break through and create a fantastic life without a massive plan.

Take 12 pieces of plain paper. These represent the next 12 months.

Each month has the goals that have to happen that month, with the steps, key activities, metrics you want to hit.

You can have a mission statement, values, words they want to feel, your House Shield , your vision board nearby to remind you of who you are. We NEED that to have courage when Faces of Fear want to drag you away from your dreams.

If you are not sure, just jot down something. Don’t overthink.  Get in action! The next step will be revealed.

You can adjust later. It’s making sure there’s intention starting NOW for the next 12 months.

Visually represent the battle plan! Vacations and meetings, projects…then fill in what needs to happen in the months before!

What are you achieving this next 12 months? What is the plan? 

If you have a map, you will succeed! Look at your goals every day. Put them on the wall!

You need more time with your goals to motivate you. You need to activate the subconscious with REPETITION!

When you look at them everyday you rewire the brain, you train the RAS.

Most people look at social media rather than their own goals. YOU are not like that!

Chart it out! Create the Action steps.

It’s not about having the complete plan, that might not be possible yet. Get it on paper then you can break it down. 

Each thing you want to start- break it into weekly, monthly, quarterly. 

When does a project start and end? 

AND Are there things NOW you are going to STOP doing? Like hiring someone to take over what you are doing, so you can progress faster? I HAD to hire someone because I could produce the work I needed to create in the time I had left after doing all the other tasks. Thank god for Avery.

What do you want to achieve? WRITE IT ON THE MAP.

Celebrate achievements! Give the RAS instructions to help you achieve your goals by celebrating the goals you DO achieve. So start small to practice and gain momentum.

For example, I want to feel more connected during the holidays and birthdays. 

When I am doing a big project, I do not want to feel burnt out! How do I WANT to feel?

Yep, actually put it on the calendar!

I have “FEELINGS” on the top of each day and list how I want to feel. Peaceful, Calm, Organized,Confident, Successful, Loving, On Target, Connected….

Last bit for today:

Block time

It can feel daunting to schedule out the day. I might need to make this easier so I will do it rather than avoid it! That’s why I love Block Time. It’s specific and flexible.

I am finding it’s really exciting because when I do all this, suddenly I am in motion, accomplishing things, and winning my days.

Not everything needs to get done to feel like a winner! Hell, most days I don’t get everything done!

But I make progress in a significant way, and that’s really cool.

On Sunday (or on Friday end of the day) look at the Map on the wall and the week ahead. Get specific now about your days this week. Where are the meetings, appointments, special events? 

Look at your MAP and see what needs to be done.

You create blocks of time for your needs, tasks and goals. If you have things scheduled in the day, put block times around  the appointments.  

You’ll get better at scheduling most appointments so it works better for your productivity. 

Decide what time of day you are best at certain tasks. 

I write better in the morning for example. I’m more creative. I can do physical things later.

  1. Right now I have an hour block of time for my morning routine.
  1. Then I have 2 blocks of time for the creative task.
  1. The blocks are separated by a 5 minute break- stand up, move around, drink a glass of water, and do a 3 minute mind reset meditation.
  1. Back to work for Block #2
  1. Block 2 might be a different task or the same one.
  1. Break for lunch
  1. Block #3 is more technical items, getting ready for any meetings.
  1. 5 minute break- stand up, move around, drink a glass of water, and do a 3 minute mind 

reset meditation.

  1. Block #4 is whatever I didn’t get done that MUST be done today. Or something that I have put on the list.
  1. And I’m done.

The times of day can change depending on what is going on. This is a flexible, living schedule!

Ask yourself –  “What is The One thing I can do, such that by doing it, makes everything unnecessary or easier?” 

When you are doing a block of time , cut out all distractions. Turn off the phone, let your people know do not disturb…set it up like you are going to the movies!

Aren’t your dreams that important? 

Don’t over complicate it! Just start doing it and adjust as you go!

You have got a MAP!

Now set sail!

You can adjust for bad weather, or changes in trajectory. But for those big beautiful dream goals of yours, they deserve to be on the map.

Remember, you truly are magical and you deserve a life that feels that way.

  • Special thanks to my coach Brendon Burchard

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