Support for a New Habit

by | Oct 14, 2018 | Information

You’ve done the hard part.

You made the choice, got over all the inner objections, and have started that thing you wanted to do.

It was so tricky but you did it!

In the energy of starting a new thing, there’s a rush of endorphins. The feel good hormones kick in and you gather some positive hopeful vibes and a bit of momentum to help you fly into this new commitment for yourself. Your thing.

You’ve invested in it. Money, time and your self-esteem. People know about it. It helps to have their good wishes and high fives.


It doesn’t last. It can’t! The hormones go back to normal levels, the old habits flair up. The stuffing mechanisms become so fucking powerful!


We haven’t healed the limiting beliefs that cause the unhelpful behavior you are trying to overcome yet.

Ok fuck. So should I not even start my new habit? My thing?

You have to go towards what you want or you’ll never feel fulfilled. The world needs you, whole and healthy and happy. We need you working towards your desire. That’s why you are here!

PAT! You’re confusing me! What are you saying? Go towards it and fail? Embarrass myself? Feel even more like a piece of shit?

I’m empowering you. I’m going to give you the tools you need to see it through.

You have a desire to feel better. For your thing. When you finally have had enough of staying where you are, of being uncomfortable,  you gather your courage and push through the comfort zone, into the excitement of a new thing.

But so many folks are not able to maintain this progress to their goals, or they backslide. We have all done it.

The old stories, the old limiting beliefs that have been holding you back all these years just need to be healed so they no longer sabotage your progress and your happiness.

Uh. How the hell do I do THAT? I don’t even know what those stories are!

Yes, you do. You know some of them. And don’t worry. The rest will make themselves known soon enough.

First let’s get you prepared.

Let’s set you up to win!

Get out your journal and start writing on these points.

#1 Your WHY.

Why do you want this? What are the end results of this new habit? How will you feel about yourself when you achieve it? This is your WHY.

Never let go of it. Keep it out in front of you. Post it on the walls, mirrors, your screensaver. REALLY go for how massively amazing it will feel. Revel in that feeling. Do this several times a day! Set your phone so you do it!

Write it out!

#2- Let GO.

Do your part for success of your thing. Don’t worry about how it shows up. How long it takes. How fast it comes. Just trust that it will. If you feel something coming up, anything negative at all, write it down. Take a look at it. Follow it all the way to the heart of the feeling.

The Force is showing you something. It says “You want this thing? Awesome! Here’s what’s standing in your way.”

The Force wants to give you all you desire, and knows you need to be able to handle it. So if you don’t have what you want yet, there’s something in your way. A belief. What is is?

Do you believe you deserve the thing? Do you believe you can DO the thing? Are you afraid of what others might think, say, do if you achieve the thing?

Write it out!

#3 How do you want to feel?

Do you want this process to be scary and hard, or thrilling and wonderful? Be willing to make it into how you want to feel.

You CAN make this fun and exciting. There will be glitches but you can steer it back to how you want to feel. If you are stuck in gloom and doom, why? Write it out. You’ll find some limiting beliefs there. GOOD! Now you can heal them.

Go through the list of Core Desired Feelings on my blog, and maybe the article will help you too. Here’s the link:

Choose 5 words that thrill you. Write them down.

#4  Steer by those feelings

Keep finding ways to feel more and more like those wonderful words you choose. Apply them to your thing. When you get little inklings about something you could do, do it! The Force is trying to get through to you! Let it guide you.

Write down any time when you followed an inkling and it led  you to something. It might have led you to some thing that led to something, that led to a thing!

The Force has it’s ways!

#5 Take amazing care of yourself

Drink lots of water. Take naps. Take creative breaks. Talk to someone who make you feel fantastic. See a joyous movie.

Write down things you can do to help you feel the way you want to feel. Write down any negative thoughts that might pop up. Heal them.

#6 Celebrate!

Celebrate every little win. No matter how tiny. It demonstrates that you want MORE. More of this winning, please.

Write down something every day that was a win. Size does not matter. Energy does. Love does. Love that you are doing this. Love that you are brave, and scared, and tired and excited….

Life is love so let’s fill up with it!

#7 Share

Be part of a group that wants what you want. Who supports you, and you support them. People in positive supporting groups succeed far more than those on their own. Let’s set you up to win shall we?

If you would like a group to support your journey, please join us in my private membership community. Lots of wisdom and love here.

I’m here for you!


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